Physical Education Field Day!
Each spring, students in grades 1-5 participate in Newman's annual Physical Education Field Day. Each year, we have a theme - such as "Be Active!" or "Keep Moving!". The objective of our field day is for all students to be active and to have fun utilizing the skills they have learned and practiced in PE throughout the year - not necessarily focusing on winning or losing. Over 24 activities are available for students to choose from; some are self-challenge, while some allow for students to challenge other students - and the best part of the day is that each student decides how s/he wants to spend their time - free to choose whatever activities they want, whenever they want, and for however many times they want! This is a volunteer driven event, and we always have the most enthusiastic hard-working volunteers year after year!
This year's Field Day is scheduled for Wednesday, May 29! We are excited to have many volunteers join us for this day of fun physical activity!!